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Locks for Home and Business Security - Mechanical Locks VS Electronic locks

When you're ready to upgrade your security in New York, you'll want to know the difference between mechanical locks vs. electronic locks. Electronic locks typically offer more options for your security but they may be more expensive, so you don't want to pay for features you don't need but you don't want to undercut the security of your property either. This is when you can trust the experts at Hulk Security Systems to help you make the right choices for locks to improve security.

Mechanical locks are standard locks that you open mechanically, meaning with a key. These are best for residential homes and most businesses since you may not need anything more from your lock than this type of safety. Electronic locks open electronically, meaning they read a signal from a swipe card or code punched into their key pad, or from other means, and then the lock is released electronically and not manually. When deciding between mechanical locks vs. electronic locks, you need to consider your property and the level of security you need. It takes trained professionals to provide proper home security services and support for business security.

For places that need additional security, electronic locks are usually tougher to break. The locking mechanism doesn't have a keyhole in which you can use a lock pick of any sort; it's totally hidden behind the door frame. It's also more difficult to copy a keycard than it is to copy a key, so you have more security because of this. You can also reprogram the code on your electronic lock more readily than you can change a mechanical lock, so it's a good choice for businesses that may need to change locks often.


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Address: 302A West 12th Street Suite #182
New York, NY 10014

  • Toll Free: 1-855-485-HULK (4855)
  • Call Local: 212-913-9646
  • Fax: 212-913-9636

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